The Dr. Lam Show
The Dr. Lam Show
Everything You Need to Know About Essential Oils with Dr. Zielinski
Essential oils are a powerful tool that can be used for a myriad of issues, but must be used in the right way. Dr. Zielinski and Dr. Jeremy go through comprehensively all you need to know to get started and give key essential oils that are great for reducing stress and fatigue.
7:55 - Symbiotic relationship with plants to get essential oils and therapeutic efficacy
10:00 - How to use essential oils and look at its purity
14:30 - First step in stopping chronic disease and toxins
19:30 - Proper testing before doing essential oils
23:45 - Best essential oils for Adrenal Fatigue, toxic burden, and stress
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Hello, I'm Dr. Jeremy Lam here on the Dr. Lam show. Today we have a very special guest, Dr. Eric Zielinski, and he's going to be talking about the power of essential oils. So Hi, Dr. Zelinski, welcome.
Dr. Eric Zielinski, DC:Yes thanks so much for having me. I'm really excited about diving into different topics I haven't talked about so far.
Dr. Jeremy Lam, MD:So let me introduce you. You're author of the national bestseller The Healing Power of Essential Oils, and also The Essential Oils Apothecary. And so Dr. Z has pioneered natural living and biblical health education since 2003. He's trained as an aroma therapist, public health researcher and also a chiropractor and Dr Z also started with his wife to help people learn how to use natural remedies like essential oils safely as well as effectively. I've gone to his website and it's very good. You guys should visit the website. There are good resources, visited by over million natural health seekers every year. So has rapidly become the number one online source for Biblical health and also non branded essential oils education. Anything else that I'm missing there Dr. Z as you've done a lot?
Dr. Eric Zielinski, DC:You know, we try to help make things be very practical and approachable for people. I think it's important for folks to realize that people like me and my wife have been doing this for almost 19 years. It's taken us a lot of time and energy to come up with the formulations and the lifestyle. When people are first introduced to our work is I'm sure yours Doc's and others they're like they get paralysis by analysis, they freeze they're like I don't know where to start. And so I hope and pray that out of this conversation that you'll get one maybe two things that you feel comfortable that you could start doing now and focus on the low hanging fruit. That's what we're trying to do. So whether it's making your own hand sanitizer or whether it's kicking out aerosols and your poopoo spray because the toxic fragrance in it and making diffuser blends. Whatever it might be just know that you have the healing power plants at your disposal to completely convert your home. It has to be done one step at a time. And so yes a lot to be said about different things.
Dr. Jeremy Lam, MD:That's the key here. It can be overwhelming like I said, you're up in and you've been dealing with for over 20 years. It's just taking baby steps and diving into it slowly. So you get used to it there. So let us start with your background on essential oils, and why they're just getting more and more into modern life here and why it's so beneficial?
Dr. Eric Zielinski, DC:Putting things into perspective, it wasn't until I started researching professionally, because I was a public health researcher several years ago. I was writing white papers and medical papers, and I was doing reports and a client commissioned me to write a series of public health reports on essential oils. So it was my job to read through hundreds of different clinical trials about the therapeutic efficacy of how essential oils help balance blood sugar, reduce blood pressure, how it could fight infection, whether it's viral, bacterial, fungal. There's a lot to be said about carvacrol, the main ingredient of oregano and thyme. What essential oils can do for naturally boosting libido, fatigue, sleep, you name it. I was faced with this aha moment, I wasn't really exposed to essential oils other than the fact my wife used them and she smelled good and I liked how my wife smelled but I just marginalize them as smelly stuff. I wasn't going to go play beach volleyball with my guy friends smelling like Ylang Ylang, they would take my guy card away from me, right? So I had this stigma that a lot of men have, but I also have the stigma of what can a smell really do for my health? In our mentality, even until maybe 15-20 years ago, when transdermal patches became more popular for pain and nicotine cessation other things, people considered medicine having to be really oral. So you have to ingest something to get a medicinal effect. Then once the transdermal patch revolution came, we realized its significance. You're saying drugs, something can pass through my skin and help me feel better, is a big deal? Well, that's aromatherapy too, because you can apply essential oils on your skin, you can ingest essential oils. But the other aspect people really haven't gotten yet is I could smell something, I can inhale something and that could also produce a therapeutic effect. We haven't hit that yet but soon now, because of COVID people are now more recognizing than ever before, airborne threats. People weren't talking like this before. There was never a need to have an air purifier at your local school just to be 'safe'. Now it's part of school reopening procedures, at least in my kids school. So people are thinking, wow, what I breathe affects me if what you breathe can cause a viral infection. Just think about that for a second. Can you breathe in and get infected with something? Well, if the answer is yes, thing can't the opposite happen too? Can't you breathe something in and can't produce a healing desirable effect. And if you can buy what I'm selling here, you start to think I can ingest these, apply them topically, inhale them just like drugs. But they're completely natural, with absolutely zero side effects if you use them the right way, besides the rare case of allergies, that's always a consideration. And you start to think what are these things? Well, what do you think our ancestors used for medicine before medicine? Where do you think aspirin came from? That's a really, really important question for us. Because for years, our ancestors used willow bark, when extracted has analgesic properties. Reduces inflammation, helps kill pain. Well, there's a chemical in the salicylate, when you synthetically mass produce it, put a white shiny coating on it, it's literally called aspirin. And so every drug, virtually every drug on the market today has its has had its basis in one form or another through its evolution, from research to being on the shelves through plant based chemistry. And I want to stress this, I'll end with this, because it's not like Dr. Susie chemists wakes up in the middle of the night. thinking Oh, if I combine these nitrogens and hurl hydrogens, and carbons and oxygens together, I'm gonna get a drug. No. So they took the chemical from oregano. Now they're producing it, they're adding other things to it. And it's going to be so far removed from oregano oil, but the basis was oregano oil. So what we're sharing here is in this wonderful, beautiful design that God created, we have this wonderful symbiotic relationship with plants. Once we extract these essential oils from plants, through steam, distillation or other methods, solvent extraction, we get healing. We get therapeutic efficacy from these drops. In the last 7 -8 years, we have taught people through our books and classes, what this could do for you. The sky's the limit. It truly is.
Dr. Jeremy Lam, MD:That's very interesting that you mention that still all drugs has to come from something and it comes from these, these oils have been used for a while. My question is, follow up with that, what in your opinion would be maybe the strongest way of doing it? Is it through, aromatherapy, or applying essential oils in your skin or ingesting it? What do you find in your experience is the best way to get into essential oils? And what is the most effective, or is it just depends on what you're treating in that aspect?
Dr. Eric Zielinski, DC:That's a good question. We need to acknowledge the ubiquitous presence of essential oils. They're everywhere, in your food, anything that's processed, with the ingredient. Natural flavoring is essential oil based or artificial flavoring. It's synthetic essential oil based. Your cleaning products, for your body care, the aerosols, the cleaning agents, all with a smell or flavor have essential oils. Unless it says on the ingredient list 100% pure, unadulterated essential oil, you can only assume your flavoring is a synthetic essential oil, your fragrance, aerosol, or plugin. And when you look at the dangers that synthetic fragrances and synthetic flavoring has on the body, you will be scared enough to stop using them and replace it with the natural ingredient. The synthetic ingredients might be toxic, and maybe a contributing factor to Alzheimer's, dementia, cancer or autoimmune conditions. Research has shown that hyper sanitized countries have higher rates of Alzheimer's. Now, sanitizers that annihilate your entire microbiome, according to an Oxford University journal, has been linked to neurological brain inflammation because the lack of bacteria on our skin. What I try to teach people before using essential oils is first, let's stop the bleeding. And what's bleeding us, are chronic inflammation, chronic stress to the body, neurological inflammation, gut inflammation, skin inflammation because of what we're putting on our skin or from what we're ingesting. So the first step is to start replacing with non toxic cleaners, body care products and clean healthy food items. And that's how we use essential oils. You're not going to find an aerosol or a plugin, or spray in a bathroom which is essential oil based. Using natural ingredients is just a lot healthier than the other version. We're getting this subtle daily, casual dose of medicine. What we're dealing with are parts per billion. If you add 3-4 drops of oil in a water diffuser, it isn't changing my brain physiology instantly. Research has shown it has a subtle, effect on the body. and it will start to produce some dopamine and serotonin. It's not the same as taking Xanax. If you adjust the essential oil like you would a drug, you get a nice and gradual effect. If you put a drop in your food, a nice culinary dose, it's a casual toxic effect that people get by inhaling toxic fragrances or using body care or lipstick. People aren't thinking about the chemical overload accumulated in the body over the
years. For eg:drinking fluorinated water today won't kill you, but using it long term might be harmful. What we need is to embrace an anti inflammatory lifestyle. Years of inflammatory practices, bad food choices, exposed to airborne toxins, is harmful at the microscopic level. People dont realize the level of their daily toxin exposure. They don't know what real soap smells like. Manufacturers know our preferences and add chemicals to mimic those fragrances and flavors. So the first step into helping people avoid chronic disease is to stop the toxic overload and that's what I mean by stopping the bleeding. Once you stop that flow, you have good air purifiers, diffusing essential oils, which is essentially just like having a rose garden into your house or a lavender field into your home. How wonderful is that! And then that's the start of a lifestyle and once you start living this way, your body starts to naturally detoxify itself. You start to release a metabolic burden caused by the toxic overload. If your immune system is exposed to a microbe, or paraben, thallate, mercury, or lead, the body will respond. Your metabolism gets compromised, to just keep you alive, to cleanse itself of these constant toxins. What we found is interesting, when people replace their cleaning and body care products, the start to lose a little bit o weight. And they ask why is thi happening? Now, your body i functioning better and you metabolism improves, burnin fat, assimilate your food, an digest better. So a lifestyl consisting of essential oi releases you from the chemica onslaught. There needs to be change of mindset. For example you know that you can't thin about healing from lung cancer if you're smoking a pack o cigarettes a day. Similarly, yo can't think about healing, i you have toxic aerosols, an plugins all around your hou e. Even those toxic air fre heners in your car. How can yo think about curing and he ling of a respiratory co dition when you are hurting yo r respiratory function by th se toxins? People don't think li e that. And it wasn't until I st rted thinking like that, that we realized, we're able to help ot er people get well. So first of, again, to recap, we got to st p the bleeding one by one, we ha e to reshape and reform our li e, using products that are no toxic. Our body will start to function and put ourselves in an infinitely better state to he l. And now we can look at go ng to the next level.
Dr. Jeremy Lam, MD:That's why I do a lot of testing like mycotoxin and heavy metal testing, environmental glycosomes as well, because some patients, need that little push to actually see that they have these toxins in their body. Overall, it's still always needing to live a cleaner lifestyle. Your lifestyle is ultimately the root cause of all diseases, that we need to address. So also doing the testing that's available out there is definitely helps patients to point to the right direction and gets them more motivated as well.
Dr. Eric Zielinski, DC:Oh, yeah, it's important. The most legitimate largest health organizations in the world agree and again, the context of my new book, The essential oils, Apothecaries, Chronic disease. Chronic Disease starts in childhood. You might wake up tomorrow, and get diagnosed with cancer, but actually your body has been building up to it for many years. Chronic conditions are preventable and treatable. And they're environmentally based. A small percent, of chronic diseases is hereditary but mostly our genes are turned on and off by environmental triggers. Most people have not heard of fatty liver, but a third of all adults globally, has fatty liver and people dont know because the doctors are not testing it. So I love what you just shared because it's so important to have proper testing. If things don't get better, you go back to the drawing board, because again, like the fatty liver, oftentimes patients are on prescribed opioids for pain, sleep meds for sleep or depression medication. But a fatty liver is a chronic condition caused by a slew of factors. And so you start to look at this holistically, checking your environment, what you are exposed to, and the toxins around you. So you have a choice, if you want to make your house a healthy, safe haven, for an abundant life as I call it. I get that from the Bible, a life free of disease, emotional disorders, mental illness, a wholesome life where you are happy? Does your household environment give you calm and peace, or does it not allow you to, let your guard down, so to speak. I walk into people's homes, and automatically my guard is up, just because of the lighting, overload of blue light, toxic smells, some of the sounds, or the curves and the edges. People don't realize this, but hard, sharp edges, sounds of industry, things that we don't recognize, actually stimulate a sympathetic fight or flight response. There was one study done, and I quote this in my book, about post operative patients. These patients and it doesn't matter what the surgery was, we're talking just post op in general, and they segmented these people who had the same surgery. And one group of people had no view at all, or they had a view of like the parking garage, no view of nature, and the other group had a window view of nature. The patients with the view of nature healed quicker and left the hospital before the other group. Showing the importance of nature in healing. We are trying to create a beautiful natural environment and I'll diffuse essential oils, which is basically bringing the outside fresh air in. We trigger the parasympathetic function, that healing state through sounds of nature, and you begin to crave being outside more. People aren't spending a lot of time outside. So that's a key, maybe something that everyone can start to implement. You an grow plants at home, grow he bs like basil, mint and you an grow tomatoes. Just hav ng nature inside, putting yours lf in a position we actually l ke your house again. That ri ht there is been such a wake up call for a lot of people in he last year and a half two ye rs of the pandemic is their hou e, they've realized they eit er hate and it's causing sickne s, or they love and it's a gr at place to
Dr. Jeremy Lam, MD:Right. We have a lot of listeners who have adrenal fatigue and that's the same concept on toxic burden, causing constant stress. Our bodies weren't made to have this. We were meant to encounter a lion in the jungle, and then you go backrest. But today cell hones, computers, chemicals, ncreases the toxic burden and utting a toll on your adrenals s well. And that leads to more nflammation and other problems. o it starts with like you said, ust decreasing that toxic urden. So in your experience, hat are the top two or three ssential oils that you would ecommend for our patients who re suffering from fatigue, hose who can't get through heir workday and want to feel etter.
Dr. Eric Zielinski, DC:I want to talk about forest bathing, a Japanese practice known as Shinrin Yoku. It promotes being out in Nature, smelling nature and experiencing it. It has a healing effect. As I was researching for chronic fatigue and Fibromyalgia chapter, which two in one for a number of reasons and oftentimes misdiagnosed as their symptoms are similar. The research has shown that pine essential oil helps with adrenal fatigue. Either by inhaling the essential oil or applying it topically. It makes sense because when someone is out in nature, automatically, they're in this parasympathetic state. Like you mentioned, this fight or flight you're constantly with, the sounds of industry, or even the refrigerator sound can trigger the fight response, like if you live in a busy city like Hong Kong, you will have sensory overload. Pine will help alleviate those sensory stimulus because you could bring nature inside your home. Other oils that you can use are Japanese Cyprus, fur oil, frankincense, these oils that are rich and piney. Again, you would think pine, the pine is a chemical. What happens is when you inhale these essential oils, when you're out in nature and the trees are emitting them naturally, your natural killer cell production ramps up significantly and those that's the part of the immune system that primarily is fighting cancer like that's one of the first lines of defense against cancer and has other immune boosting qualities. But not only that, it helps you calm down, it creates peace, mental clarity and awareness. It has been shown to help with work life balance. There is a wonderful study if you're looking at the healing power if you can call it tree medicine, Sinrin yoku is wonderful. Research has shown that a single two hour forest bathing session which is essentially just going outside in nature and having a picnic for two hours, has long lasting effect on the immune system of up to 30 days. So it is crucia to try to get outside as much a you can. You need the vitamin you need the fresh air, you nee the volatile organic compound the oils being emitted from th plants. You need to look a leaves again You need to giv your brain a break. I don't kno about you but staring at m screen and my phone or the TV is harmful and cause fatigue o the eyes, brain and the whol body. The key is to go outsid and breathe the fresh air. take breaks, go outside and I'l just like look at a tree just t relax allowing my body to ge off that sympathetic guard filled with tension headaches or fatigued. The constant blu light is harmful, I wear blu light glasses now to help bu it's just one aspect of it. So I can't stress enough to look u forest bathing. I talk a littl bit about it in my book an there is a great article on m website, if you want to read it. Tha said, you bring Those pin essential oils in Cypress frankincense, mix of citru oils, from orange, lemon neroli grapefruit. They blend wel together. One of my favorit blends is Douglas fir orange, wonderful, symbiotic blend tha helps reduce stress, and hel with your adrenals. Thes essential oils have been show to help repair the adrenals i animal studies. So when you'r looking at hormones and cortiso rise, the studies show tha incorporating aromatherap topically and throug inhalation, or ingestion, ca help stop that onslaught. Bu again, all we're doing i mimicking what we would normall experience in nature if we liv 300-400 years ago
Dr. Jeremy Lam, MD:That makes a lot of sense especially like you're talking about the blue light. I tell my listeners oftentimes that you need to put away the phone or TV, because of high insomnia levels nowadays. So what are your thoughts on how essential oils can help with anxiety, insomnia, at night, like lavender?
Dr. Eric Zielinski, DC:Lavender is the most popular essential oil in the world, for good reason. It was actually the oil that helped founded the science of aromatherapy when French chemist Rene-Maurice Gattefosse burnt himself in the science experiment in the early 20th Century. He used essential oils, and he put his hand in, and it helped soothe his hand and prevent infection. He's the founder of aromatherapy today and it was all because of lavender. There are others like bergamot is one that I want to tress. Any citrus oil that's ich in limonene, has a onderful anti inflammatory omponent of citrus essential ils, Bergamot and other like N roli can help with mood, and a so help with panic attacks and a xiety. These essential oils h ve similar effects like a GABA n urotransmitter supplement. T ey help your brain naturally p oduce serotonin, dopamine and G BA. And that's wonderful. When y u look at the science of s ell, and when you inhale s mething, the olfactory nerves h s to interpret what's being i haled sending an impulse to t e brain. We cannot discount t e power of smell. And it's as s mple as thinking of an aroma t at brings you back to an e otional state. Maybe for you i's Thanksgiving dinner. And y u just have fond memories as a c ild or a young adult, enjoying T anksgiving with family, the s ell of roast turkey, for e ample. And you start to feel w at you used to feel. What h ppens is through a n urological cascade via the o factory system, triggers the b ain limbic system, where mood, m mory and your emotions c ntrols the autonomic function l ke your heart rate and b eathing. The memory also s imulates the hormones and the n urotransmitters for release. O r ancestors used the power of s ell for protection, deciding w at's good and what's not. Just l ke all the other senses. T at's what they're there for, f r protection, like identifying r tten food or sensing the p esence of smoke. But if you c n't smell smoke, and if your s nse of smell has been so d mpened, or when you walk into a store like Walmart and Target n the cleaning aisle and not get s mething negative happened to y u, that's not a good sign. L ke you should be so sensitive t these toxic chemicals like I a and others that live this l fe. I literally have to hold m breath to walk down that a sle or walk past it. I don't b y anything in that aisle. But i I had to go through the aisle t get whatever I want past it, t e chemicals are so dangerous, i creates sense of anxiety in m stomach ache or headache.
Dr. Jeremy Lam, MD:Is aromatherapy and essential oil benefits is through smell.
Dr. Eric Zielinski, DC:It's not the best, it's the quickest.
Dr. Jeremy Lam, MD:If someone has insomnia then to smell would hit the brain the fastest?
Dr. Eric Zielinski, DC:The qu ckest way of impacting yo Thank you. And really, I mean, we're running out of time here r body and brain, is through s elling could because the ense of smell does not have a p lemic relay. When you get inju ed, there's that split second between injury to impulse to t e brain through the thalamus to eel the pain. There is no relay enter, when you inhale somet ing, it's the only sensory syst m in the body that goes directl to the brain immediately. So fo instant response, systemic a d therapeutic, like to elp with blood, for fighting a infection, you'll need to ing st a capsule. Essential oils a e transdermal just like th nicotine patch. Identify wha are you trying to improve whether it's your mood, or i sues like arthritis or infecti n. I talk about that in the bo k, just like you would use different medicines for differen things. It's what's most effec ive and apropos for what you're oing. But the key learning from this discussion is, what you in ale, constantly, is making a hug impact on your overall healt. It is either helping you or h rting you. Get an air purifier at home, even the EPA recom ends it, because the air insi e of our house is 3-5 times more polluted than the air utside. That's step one. Step t o is to look at, okay, what am I trying to do? So health, me tal health, emotional health I'm inhaling essential oils or that. topical pain, maybe b uises, or something organ rela ed. I would do topical. If I'm trying to do something systemic, completely more of hol stic, you know, like me astatic cancer or if I'm look ng at something like fibromyal ia, chronic fatigue, I wou d be ingesting the essential oi. Again, all depends on what you re trying to manage. and we could I could spend hours talking to you about essential Well, thanks for having me. I really appreciate it. It's the oils. So where do you where can our listeners find you online and find your book to really learn more about you and the therapies? wonderful world of essential oils and aromatherapy. I hope people get the fact that they have a lot more control over their environment and over their health and what they may think and so if you want to learn more about how my wife and I live in the how we've detoxed our home and body and garden products, then go to We have hundreds of recipes and articles free is our gift to the world. And if you want to dive deeper, I invite you to pick up the book, The essential oils apothecary. It's available everywhere books are sold, and we actually created a little gift for everyone. My wife and I filmed roughly about six hours worth of masterclass videos on how to make a lot of the recipes and you have charts and PDFs straight from the book, recipe cards and things go to EOa Pick up a book s gn up for the bonuses. It's o r gift to you.
Dr. Jeremy Lam, MD:Well, doctors and zelinsky Thank you for that gift for our listeners here and again, thank you for your time. And so we're here at the Dr. Lam show and we're here to empower you to take control of your health. So thank you for listening and we look forward to talking to you in the future as well.
Unknown:This podcast has been produced and broadcast solely for informational and educational purposes by Lam Clinic. Statements and views expressed in this podcast are not medical advice and have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. The products and supplements discussed in this podcast are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you believe you may have a medical condition please consult your own doctor. Opinions of guests are their own and Lam Clinic does not endorse or accept responsibility for any of the statements and views made by guests. The views and opinions of guests in the podcast are their own and do not reflect those of Lam Clinic. This podcast does not make any representations or warranties about guest qualifications or credibility. In some cases, individuals on the podcast may have a direct or indirect financial interest in the products or services referred to herein. Podcast listeners should always seek the advice of their physicians or other qualified health providers with any questions they may have regarding their own medical conditions. Podcast listeners must always continue to follow the advice of their personal physicians for all of their medical needs.