The Dr. Lam Show
The Dr. Lam Show
Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome
Tubal ligations are a fairly common procedure these days. However, they can cause a range of symptoms and problems that are mostly ignored by conventional medicine. Here’s what to look for if you think you may have post tubal ligation syndrome.
1:00 - What is tubal ligation?
2:15 - Symptoms of Post-Tubal Ligation Syndrome
4:00 - Health Issues with Tubal ligations
6:45 - How Tubal Ligation affects the Adrenals
8:05 - How to address Post-Tubal Ligation Syndrome
9:30 - Natural Remedies to help the Symptoms and Hormone Imbalance
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Are you thinking of simplifying your life by getting your tubes tied? Tubal ligations are a fairly common form of birth control and can be fairly effective. But they can also have powerful impact on your body and on your health. And that is why we're going to talk about it today. This is the Dr. Lam show. We're here to talk about integrative medicine and empower you to take control of your health. Please hit the like button to subscribe to notifications both on the way you listen to podcasts and also on the YouTube channel. That's the best way to make our show more visible. Thanks for joining us. I'm Dr. Carrie Lam. And I'm specializing in family medicine, and anti aging and regenerative medicine, and I have a passion for nutrition and lifestyle medicine.
Dr. Jeremy Lam, MD:Hi, I'm Dr. Jeremy Lam, I specialize in internal medicine as well as anti aging and regenerative medicine. And today, we're going to be talking about getting your tubes tied, in particular, what happens post tubal ligation. To start with let's talk about what tubal ligation is. Tubal ligation, also known as getting your tubes tied is a medical procedure that prevents pregnancy. And during the procedure, the fallopian tubes that leads to the ovaries and the uterus are tied off. This makes sperm unable to reach the ovaries and fertilized eggs. Unfortunately, many women develop post tubal ligation syndrome after the procedure. The condition often results in a rapid decline in estrogen or testosterone hormone levels. This may happen due to damage to the ovaries during the procedure. Often the veins and the capillary damage encountered during the surgery leads to a decrease blood volume to your ovaries. And sometimes blood flow is completely eliminated as occurs during a hysterectomy. This is often referred to as the isolated Ovarian Syndrome. So Dr. Carrie, tell us about some of the symptoms of post tubal ligation syndrome.
Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:Many of the symptoms can overlap with Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome, menopause or any other hormone imbalance that you might be feeling when the uterus, muscle, tissues, veins or blood supply are damaged during the procedure. Many other symptoms manifest like fibroids, endometriosis or heavy, painful periods, as a result of bleeding from the fallopian tubes. There are numerous theories about post tubal ligation syndrome. One theory is that the target or receptor cells forming part of your hormone messaging system becomes compromised during the surgery. The cells in the fallopian tubes that has the chemical messengers, may get disrupted and so the damage to the messengers may cause a hormone imbalance. As you can tell, tubal ligation isn't as simple as getting your tubes tied and not having another child as other circuits and organs are interconnected leading to major changes after a tubal ligation. If you're struggling with these kinds of changes, call our office and our team for a free initial phone call at 114709 8000. We can look into the changes that have occurred for you post tubal ligation. Now, we will go more deeply into these changes and look at the other health problems that are associated with tubal ligation. Dr. Jeremy, tell us a little more about more of these health issues.
Dr. Jeremy Lam, MD:Well, when something goes wrong or post tubal ligation syndrome develops, you might be developing some of these health issues and symptoms such as severe hormone imbalance, bone loss or osteoporosis, increased risk of developing heart issues, increased symptoms of PMS symptoms, endometriosis, castrated menopause, decrease in your ability to lactate and also hormone shock. These compromised hormone functions and the associated health issues may also be linked to adrenal fatigue. The symptoms that are associated with post tubal ligation syndrome are irritability, mood swings, anxiety or depression. Also symptoms of PMS like hot flashes or night sweats, you can have increased heart rates, loss of libido. Fatigue is often one issue that people complain about difficulty concentrating, having mental confusion or memory lapses, finding that you have a lot of bloating or headaches, and then you know gastrointestinal issues such as flatulence, nausea, indigestion or irritable bowel syndrome. Other things again, like I mentioned, there's an increased risk of osteoporosis, dizziness, gaining weight, and also chronic sinusitis can all be symptoms of post tubal ligation syndrome.
Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:And usually, it might go undiagnosed, as the symptoms are addressed, but not as an underlying cause. You could go to your doctor and they would give you medications for depression or allergies. But they might not think that the hormone imbalance underlying a post tubal ligation could be the actual cause. And so it's very uncommon for a doctor to test your hormones even after you've gotten a tubal ligation. Ultimately, prolonged hormone imbalance can also affect your physical health and mental health. So if you've experienced any of these symptoms or have any problems, post tubal ligation, and you feel like you're being undiagnosed, definitely reach out to our team as we're always available to help you out Our phone number is 714-709-8000 Make sure to subscribe and like our channel too if you're enjoying this episode and really want to continue to educate yourself.
Dr. Jeremy Lam, MD:So let's take a look at how tubal ligations affect hormone levels and the functioning of the adrenals. Now there's the HPA axis or the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis that regulates the adrenal glands. And HPG or hypothalamic pituitary gonadal axis regulates your ovarian hormones. The end organs of these axes, the adrenals and ovaries produce hormones that affect other body systems. Each of these organs are also tied into other organ systems, by acting as chemical messengers. One such hormone network is the ovarian adrenal thyroid axis. These three organs in the OAT axis work together to make sure that there is proper functioning and optimal functioning as well. A problem in one of these organs caused by post tubal ligation affects the functioning of the other two organs. So if you have a compromised ovarian system, then that may affect the thyroid function, resulting in symptoms related to thyroid issues. While in fact, the underlying root problem is actually with the ovaries. And this applies to any of the three organs mentioned, ovaries, adrenals or the thyroid.
Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:So making sure that you get to the root cause of this imbalance is very important. Now let's see how to address the symptoms of post tubal ligation syndrome. Many women do opt to have the surgery reversed. This is entirely possible. And another possibility is to have a hysterectomy that actually removes your uterus and your cervix if you're having pain in those areas. But that is definitely something that you need to first speak to a healthcare professional, regarding whether that is even an option for you. Hysterectomies are obviously not reversible. Another way you can help is through hormone therapy. We like to recommend more bioidentical hormones, meaning the hormones look exactly like the hormones would be in your system. But making sure you're first diagnosed the hormone imbalance is very key rather than just placing someone on hormone therapy. If you have other symptoms like heavy bleeding, you can talk to your OB about uterine ablations or any other procedures that could stop the bleeding or find out what the cause in your uterus. There are also other natural remedies. Dr. Jeremy would you like to talk about some of these natural remedies to help manage symptoms.
Dr. Jeremy Lam, MD:The first one is you know, dietary changes, diet high in fiber, fresh vegetables and fruits and then also drinking lots of fluids. Ensuring that you get a good amount of omega three fatty acids is also beneficial, avoiding processed foods or foods that have a lot of pesticides and chemicals is beneficial. Organic foods is also a better choice. This is really to help decrease the stress and the inflammation in your body. Another one is, progesterone cream made from yams, which can actually help balance hormones and relieve many post tubal ligation syndromes, symptoms such as vaginal dryness, hot flashes or lower libido. Make sure again, you get your hormones levels checked first before just starting this as at some point to get a baseline of where your hormone levels are at.
Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:There are also other compounds that could be used, like fenugreek, which has been used to increase milk supply in breastfeeding mothers, but can also actually improve blood flow to your reproductive organs and increased libido. Maka is also another type of vegetable related to broccoli and can increase the libido and sex drive naturally helping with follicle stimulation during ovulation. But beware of its very stimulating properties as it can overstimulate and give you too much energy, especially if you're dealing with adrenal fatigue. And another type of that's used is black cohosh, which is mildly sedative and has anti spasmodic and anti inflammatory properties. It's historically been used to reduce menstrual pain, vaginal pain, hot flashes and other symptoms related to menopause. However, all of these herbs, creams and vitamins that you are taking, make sure you don't take just by yourself without first testing. Ask your doctor about whether it's appropriate, because each person is different and you might not actually have a good effect to these herbs. So make sure you are on the right dose for your body. And it has to be individualized based on your symptoms.
Dr. Jeremy Lam, MD:Just like Dr Carrie mentioned, these herbs are just helping with the symptoms, but not often getting down to the underlying problem. So many of the symptoms associated with the condition can be related to iron deficiency, diabetes, hypothyroidism, or other issues. So you have to make sure that you ascertain the cause of your hormone imbalance and help you recover. Remember that if you're suffering from anemia, hypothyroidism, or even diabetes, it does not mean that a hormone imbalance is not also present. Likewise, a hormone imbalance may also still be present if your thyroid levels and your iron levels are all fine. So ultimately, it's about getting down to the underlying root problem and addressing that problem.
Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:We hope that this episode helps you understand what might be going on in your body. If you still have questions about your post, tubal ligations. Hormone imbalances can often be ignored by conventional medicine, leading to long term rehabilitation and poor health. But remember, you're the judge of whether it's right or wrong for your body. So if you think something's wrong, don't stop searching until you can get the help and guidance you need. We're here for you. If you have any questions, call us at 714-709-8000. We are so grateful that you're here with us today as we help bring this information to you. Please subscribe to this channel, give us a like and definitely share it so that you can find us on YouTube and also where you listen to your podcasts. You know anyone else who might find this show show helpful, please share it with them. Remember where the Dr. Lam show and we're here to empower you to take control of your health.
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