The Dr. Lam Show
The Dr. Lam Show
The Surprising Truth About High-Sulfur Foods and Your Health
Ever wondered why certain foods leave you feeling unwell? Dr. Michael Lam takes you through a revealing journey into the world of high-sulfur foods and their unexpected effects on our bodies. From the basics of adrenal fatigue and inflammation to the specifics of sulfur allergies and sensitivities, this video sheds light on how your diet impacts your health. Discover the critical balance between sulfur-rich foods and your body's needs, the role of glutathione as a master antioxidant, and personalized strategies to enhance your liver health and overall wellness. Get ready to rethink your dietary choices and empower your health journey with expert insights.
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Your body's regulation, when stress enters is through the neuro endocrine metabolics circuit. There are six different physiological circuits that regulate this. And the biochemical is quite complex. Okay? Well, if you don't have this well regulated and adrenal fatigue is one of the end results, inflammations, and food sensitivity can also be part of the clinical picture. Why is because when your adrenals are not working well, your body tends to slow down, the liver becomes sluggish, and you're not able to break down products as well as food or supplements are medications that you take from your daily living, okay. So a lot of people will start to have, you know, sensitivities to sulfur sensitivity to petroleum, chemicals, etc. And so we'll go through that, you know, there are four different types of sulfur allergies, about 100,000 Americans have sensitivities to sulfites, okay? The reaction involves releasing of histamine into the bloodstream when you're exposed to sulfur and this causes hives, swelling, etc. And you know, the hypersensitivity to self with drugs also a problem. several drugs are widely used in urinary tract infections, okay. So you have to be very careful, but ultimately, the body get results. So, if you are sensitive to sulfur, the question is why and where is it coming from? First you have to eliminate before we go into that, okay, broccoli, brussel sprouts, high sulfur food, any kind of beans, lentil peanuts, okay, turnips, onions, okay, eggs and dairy products, papaya energy boosters such as coffee, even whey buckwheat and, there are some other things that can be problematic. Okay. So low-sulfur foods includes what they include beef, a duck, fish, chicken, shellfish, artichoke, eggplant, any fruits or melon, potatoes, sunflower seeds, brown sugar, fresh herbs. Okay. Olive oil, is also quite good. Okay. So, you know, vegetarians and vegans have to have to temporarily eliminate somewhat what are considered to be the vegetarian staples. Food that is high in sulfur in the vegetable categories, including some of the ones we mentioned above. So you have to pay attention, okay. So some of them depend on your level of sensitivity. Some people are very sensitive, some people are not. Okay. The takeaway is that there are many, many choices. So having the right choices is helpful. Now, I want to bring up an item called glutathione. Glutathione is what we call a master antioxidant in the body, it donates electrons choice, and it sandwiches itself. And that's why it's called a master recycler, it helps with the liver. So it actually helps to strengthen the liver. Now remember, earlier in the discussion, we talked about oil and how glutathione is a sulfur derivative. And if you cannot process sulfur, you may not be able to process glutathione. But this is actually not 100% true all the time, because your sensitivity really is person-dependent and it's dose-dependent, you do need some glutathione in the body is not zero, otherwise, you'll not be able to survive. So having some glutathione, especially the right form is very important. You have to dose it properly, and then it will help the liver. And so many people do quite well, in fact that you help the liver to get use to some of the glutathione which has some sulfur built in, and over time you develop self-tolerance. So that's actually a positive way but you should probably seek your help provider's advice okay? So, that is what you should focus on my liponano glutathione is one such formula that is very nice, very good oral delivery in the small intestine of glutathione. That we found excellent results in for people with liver congestion is quite good. And if you and the other one, if you cannot take glutathione what you can do is consider a fermented liver rebuild. The fermented liver rebuilder is excellent because it's unlike glutathione. It works in a different pathway. It works through the milk thistle, a pathway which has been well studied, but as compared to regular milk thistle, it basically is a fermented. What that means is that the milk thistle is put into a tank that allows fermentation and breakdown of the milk thistle itself. So over time, the absorption is much easier. Of course it is a fermented so some people may not be able to tolerate, but for those people who just have a known sulfur issues, but don't have other issues, such as Candida, the fermented liver rebuilder, and oftentimes we use it in combination, both the fermented liver rebuilder and the glutathione. And you take one and the other an alternate times so you get the body a small amount, you rest. And so the body always or not, you're kind of getting a develop tolerance to any one of them. So between the liponano glutathione and the fermented liver rebuilder. That's a dynamic duo, I will put both links here in case you want, you're interested Okay.