The Dr. Lam Show

Do You Have This Dangerous Mutation?

Dr. Lam

Sensitive to sulfur foods? Having difficulty detoxing? You might be dealing with this genetic defect. Listen to figure out what CBS mutations are, what causes them, and what impact they have on the body.

01:03 - What is CBS mutation?
02:53 - What is BH4?
04:40 - CBS mutation health issues
07:30 - What can you do about it?

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Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:

Are you familiar with CBS or a CBS mutation? Not many people know about this and how it can affect a person's health. Continue to listen as we're going to be talking today about if you have a CBS mutation, what to do with it and how it affects our body. This is the Dr. Lam Show where we talk about integrative medicine and empower you to take control of your health. If you like this channel, please hit the like and subscribe button. We're also on YouTube. And this is the way to make our show more visible. I'm Dr. Carrie Lam, a family medicine physician and have completed fellowships in functional and metabolic medicine and I'm passionate about nutritional nutrition and lifestyle medicine.

Dr. Jeremy Lam, MD:

Hello, I'm Dr. Jeremy Lam. I'm an internal medicine doctor also board certified in anti aging and regenerative medicine. Today we're talking about CBS mutation and to start with, let's talk about what is the CBS gene?

Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:

CBS stands for cystathionine beta-synthase, and it's a protein coding gene. A CBS gene provides a list of instructions for making an enzyme called CBS or cystathionine beta synthase. This particular enzyme is responsible for using vitamin B6 to convert building blocks of proteins or amino acids, like homocysteine and serine to a molecule called cystathionine. CBS can also convert homocysteine methionine or cysteine. I know it's a lot of words, but cysteine is a precursor to glutathione. Methionine is needed for methylation of DNA, which is important for the growth of new cells and new blood vessels. If you have a CBS gene mutation, that means that your CBS enzyme works too fast when you have a mutation. So CBS is incharge of trans-sulfuration. It converts homocysteine to cystathionine. This trans-sulfuration pathway in the liver leads to glutathione or taurin production which is very important for detoxification. Often homocysteine is tiny, convert too quickly to taurin leaving not enough glutathione in the body. So when CBS mutations upregulate, this gene or this enzyme, you could have higher levels of chlorine and ammonia. And less of cystathionine and homocysteine. So it can create a lot of these reactions that would lead to detoxification issues.

Dr. Jeremy Lam, MD:

BH4 is an enzyme that is used to make serotonin, dopamine, some thyroid hormones, as well as melatonin. It also is important in detoxifying ammonia from the body, and they can also become depleted with the CBS mutation. So BH4 is extremely important as it helps regulate your mood and your neurotransmitters. Other gene mutations such as MTHFR, chronic bacterial infections, and aluminum metal elevations in your body can also lead to low BH4 levels. It is important to maintain an accurate and steady level of BH4 in the body. Because if you don't, that can lead to a lot of mast cell degranulation or mast cell activation syndrome. CBS abrogated upregulation upsets the urea cycle and this enzyme then depletes the BH4 while overloading your urea cycle. So someone with adrenal fatigue syndrome, these symptoms can oftentimes intensify.

Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:

You can tell that CBS mutations is not a very simple matter, and in fact, has a huge effect on your life. Every circuit and organ in your body is connected, so major change in one of these genes can have unexpected effects in you. If you're struggling with these kinds of changes, give us a free initial phone call at 714-709-8000. I'm gonna give you a little more information about the CBS mutation. So now we will dive deeply into these changes and look at the health problems associated with the CBS mutation. What are some health problems that the CBS mutations can cause factor to me?

Dr. Jeremy Lam, MD:

I like to think of the CBS mutation as a leaky bucket. In fact, everything that you place inside the bucket whether it belongs in the CBS pathway is just leaking right out until liver and the kidney filters it out. And as fast as you may be trying to fill this leaky bucket, it could be dumping right out, leading to major nutrient, mineral and antioxidant deficiencies. So with the reduction of nutrient absorption, you can find that you're having more food sensitivity symptoms. Specialists have confirmed over and over again, that the increase activity of the mutated enzyme often leads to a toxic waste buildup, and which is even more important that it leads to poor glutathione production. That's important, because your body needs glutathione. It's your master antioxidant.

Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:

This can also lead to elevations in ammonia, taurine and hydrogen sulfide levels. Taurine is an amino acid and is harmless in the body. But ammonia and hydrogen sulfide are toxic substances. And so when a CBS pathway breaks down, homocysteine along with the other amino acids, vitamins and minerals that can quickly escape along with toxins and waste, depleting the body and taxing the entire system. So, when you're dumping out so many of these toxins, you're also dumping out the good nutrients and supplements that the body needs. Every time a person tries a supplement, maintain a healthy diet or use medications, they might inadvertently deliver more toxins to the systems rather than help it. Those with the CBS upregulation break down homocysteine to make cysteine and taurine rather than glutathione. And they are unable to clean and protect their red blood cells as much as they should be, which can cause blood sugar fluctuations or with stress the unregulated fight or flight response. So aggressive, or sedated behavior after consuming foods with glutamine may actually cause increased levels of ammonia in this people who have CBS mutations. If this sounds like you and you don't know what to do, definitely give us a call 714-709-8000 CBS mutations can cause problems leading to adrenal fatigue or even worse and problems that already exist. So what is there to do for CBS mutations?

Dr. Jeremy Lam, MD:

There are many things to do when you have a CBS mutation. If the mutation causes taurine levels to rise too high, then adjusting the abundance of ammonia is crucial. Prior to any dietary supplementation, it's really recommended that a person receive a baseline urine amino acid test to determine taurine levels. CBS genetic mutations appear to be a loaded gun. It should be noted that gene mutations are not the only factor in the obstruction pathways, as a lot of other factors can also contribute to the enzymes being slowed, or upregulated as well. Not only that, make sure that you also are addressing your MTHFR and BH4 enzyme mutations at the same time to make sure that you're getting down to the root cause and making sure that the pathways aren't blocked.

Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:

Those are the CBS mutation can be very sensitive to sulfur containing amino acids. So trying to see how you can reduce your sensitivities to food and beverages that contain sulfur would be good. Some foods to eliminate if you are sensitive to sulfur include broccoli, kale, spinach, turnips, onions, garlic, radishes, eggs, dairy beans, sorry, quinoa, papaya and pineapple. And some sulfur containing supplements to avoid include Alpha Lipoic Acid glutathione, NAC, methionine, DMSO, cysteine, taurine, glycine, betaine, B complexes, Epsom salts, and MSM. This is not a full list. It's good idea to know the high sulfur foods and supplements and you can increase your intake of low sulfur foods like beef, chicken, shellfish, and seeds like sunflower seeds and flax seeds. You should see someone who would be able to help you, a doctor or healthcare practitioner to understand the root cause and helping your whole body not only the CBS mutation, but also your underlying adrenal fatigue if you have it.

Dr. Jeremy Lam, MD:

Hope this helps you understand what may be going on with your body. CBS mutation imbalances are often ignored by conventional medicine and can lead to long term chronic illnesses and poor health. Just remember that it's your body and you're the best judge of what is going on whether you're feeling healthy or not. If you think something's wrong, don't stop searching until you get the help or the guidance that you need. Thank you for being with us here today on the Dr. Lam Show. We hope you found this information helpful. Please subscribe to the channel so we can continue bringing more great content. And if you know anyone else who might find this helpful to share it with them. We're here to empower you to take control of your health.


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