The Dr. Lam Show

Calcium D-Glucarate as Remedy for Estrogen Dominance

Dr. Lam

Calcium D-Glucarate has the ability to help regulate the estrogen levels in your body. Find out why it is important to maintain a healthy level of estrogen in your body and how calcium d-glucarate can aid with it.

1:22 - What is Calcium D- Glucarate and how does it work
3:23 - Dangers of high estrogen levels
5:05 - Liver Health and Hormones
5:20 - Xenoestrogens
6:10 - Effect of Hormone Dominance
7:55 - Restoring hormone and liver balance

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Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:

Are you dealing with high estrogen levels and don't know what to do about hot flashes, irritability and weight gain? We will be talking about calcium D-glucarate today and how to help lower estrogen dominance. This is The Dr. Lam Show and we're here to talk about integrative medicine and empower you to take control of your health. If you enjoy this show, find it useful, please hit the like button and subscribe to The Dr. Lam Show podcast and our YouTube channel. This is the best way to make the show more visible, so other people who need this information can find it. I'm Dr. Carrie Lam, a family medicine physician and I've completed fellowships in functional medicine, and metabolic and anti-aging medicine and I'm so passionate about nutrition and lifestyle medicine.

Dr. Jeremy Lam, MD:

I'm Dr. Jeremy Lam, I'm an internal medicine doctor, board certified in anti-aging and regenerative medicine. I'm passionate about balancing hormones which we're going to be talking about today. We'll be talking about calcium D-glucarate and how it is helpful in maintaining our estrogen at a healthy level. So, let's talk about calcium D-glucarate, what it is and what it does for the body.

Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:

Calcium D-glucarate is a supplement that your body converts to glucaric acid, an active chemical in your intestine that helps support the liver. Glucaric acid can be found in most vegetables like bean sprouts, lettuce and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, kale, and cabbage. Some fruits like grapes, oranges, cherries and tomatoes have glucaric acid. When this acid is bound to calcium, as in the supplement form calcium D-glucarate, it allows your body to absorb it and process it more efficiently. And it's important because it ensures estrogen leaves the body. When your body doesn't have sufficient amounts of calcium D-glucarate, the neutralized hormone estrogen can be activated and then reabsorbed back into your body, causing higher levels of estrogen. Calcium D-glucarate is important because it helps ensure that estrogen that is marked for excretion to leave the body. Without sufficient levels of this calcium D-glucarate, the neutralized hormone can be activated and reabsorbed in the body causing you to have more estrogen. The liver then has to work again to clear this hormone, which strains the liver. So that's why calcium D-glucarate is an important part of intervention and helping your liver metabolize better and your absorption in the intestines and it helps detoxify the body naturally. It cleans the liver and removes extracellular matrix, and it helps manage the estrogen level in your body reducing estrogen dominance.

Dr. Jeremy Lam, MD:

As you know the body creates both estrogen and progesterone, and it's really important for these two to work in sync. It keeps each other in track and balances. For example, estrogen proliferates and help the endometrium grow while progesterone restricts the growth. Estrogen creates fluid retention while progesterone is a natural diuretic. Estrogen can cause cysts and tumors in the breast while progesterone protects against cancer. So your body's always trying to reach this balance or homeostasis in order to be healthy. But as you age, estrogen and progesterone levels decrease, but they decrease at different rates. So it's hard to maintain his balance, especially when the liver is already stressed. Any reabsorption of materials that the liver has already tried to excrete is already another stress that's added on the system. And if you suffer from Adrenal Fatigue, in which case your body's already overwhelmed with stress, then this can add to more stress. In addition, it is natural for the levels of beta glucuronidation to increase as the body ages, increasing the rate of hormone reabsorption. This can also lead to estrogen dominance, which is often associated with stress, especially in aging women.

Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:

Your liver is responsible for breaking down estrogen. But if it is under stress, whether it's from an underlying condition or you have to manage toxins in the system, whether it's alcohol, drugs or biotoxins, then your liver cannot effectively eliminate excess estrogen and Xenoestrogens. Xenoestrogens can come from plastics, parabens or pesticides. They look like estrogen, but they're not real estrogen. So we call them Xeno Estrogen, and they sit on estrogen receptors and act like estrogen. Therefore, our society tends to be estrogen dominant because of the Xenoestrogens that we are bombarding ourselves with. These can be in soaps, and laundry detergents, in cosmetics, in pesticides, in the food that we eat. So the result in increased levels of estrogen in our body unbalances your progesterone. Then you have a lot more estrogen compared to progesterone and its affects go unchecked. So what are the effects of estrogen when it's dominant in your body?

Dr. Jeremy Lam, MD:

Estrogen dominance is part of your hormonal circuit in the NEM stress response. When your body perceives stress, the hormone circuit consisting of the adrenals, the thyroid and the reproductive organs increases production of their respective hormones to fight off stress. And when the body is overly stressed, the hormone circuit is imbalanced and estrogen dominance may arise. Estrogen dominance has been associated with increased allergies, PMS symptoms, endometriosis, autoimmune conditions such as lupus. Also, it can put you at increased risk of endometrial cancer and breast cancer. Some might also find breast cysts or ovarian cysts as well. So if estrogen dominance is suspected, then corrective action should be taken to ensure that hormone levels are brought back to balance. If you find yourself experiencing any of the symptoms or problems, and these issues often go undiagnosed, our team is available to help you. Call 8714709 8000 for advice.

Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:

Increased estrogen can cause more problems, may lead to adrenal fatigue or worsen your hormonal symptoms. Let's take a look at how calcium D-glucarate can help estrogen levels and the functioning of your adrenals. In order to restore balance to the body, whether you have adrenal fatigue or neuroendocrine metabolic stress response, you need to make sure that the estrogen and progesterone, the hormones, the detox and the liver are all balanced. Calcium D-glucarate is so effective for estrogen dominance. If you gain weight, have mood swings, fluid retention, sugar cravings, then you want to look deeper into whether you have estrogen dominance and whether this supplement can help you. And how does calcium D-glucarate help? Dr. Jeremy tell us about the liver and two ways to cleanse the body with its different phases.

Dr. Jeremy Lam, MD:

The liver has two ways to cleanse the body, phase one and phase two. The phase two pathway of liver detoxification involves conjugation of a hormone or a fat-soluble substance. What that means is that the hormone combines with bile and passes through the intestines to be excreted. Excess estrogen is processed this way through phase two. Any damage to the liver or conditions that affect the liver function can disrupt estrogen breakdown leading to estrogen dominance. So calcium D-glucarate is important because it helps to ensure that estrogen is marked for excretion and leaves the body. Calcium D-glucarate is an important part of successful intervention because it promotes better function of your liver and your intestines. In addition to detoxing the body the liver also cleanses the extracellular matrix (ECM). This is the scaffolding or the signaling present between cells that also helps with the transmission of hormones. And so the liver helps to clear estrogen and other hormones out of the extracellular matrix. If the liver can efficiently eliminate excess hormones from the body, then they will be able to handle other chemicals including toxins, chemicals, environmental pollutants as well. And it's able to do it more efficiently in the liver with estrogen excretion. Calcium D-glucarate not only combats estrogen dominance, but also strengthens liver function and detoxification circuits as well. And so that's why it's so important in the balance of your NEM stress response.

Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:

We hope that this has helped you understand what goes on in your body. Adequate intake of calcium D-glucarate can help prevent estrogen dominance and lead to better balancing of estrogen to progesterone ratio. Just remember that it's your body, you're the best judge of whether it's healthy or not. If you think something's wrong, and you're dealing with these hormone symptoms, don't stop searching until you get the help and guidance you need. We must stress that you should not start the supplement without the guidance of your provider or your doctor. If you want help you can always call us at 714709 1000 and we can guide you as to what is a good supplement to take and the dosing. We are grateful for you being here with us on The Dr. Lam Show and we hope that you find this super helpful. Please subscribe, like and share so that we can have other people find it and benefit from this information. We are here to empower you to take control of your health.


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