The Dr. Lam Show
The Dr. Lam Show
Better Health And Wellbeing With The Blood Type Diet Part 1
Choosing the right diet for your body and your health can be difficult with so many choices. But there is a growing body of evidence that it doesn’t have to be this complicated. Eating according to your blood type has a number of benefits and here’s how you can do it. Follow this 2 part series to find your blood type and see how to eat for it.
1:30 - What is the Blood Type Diet?
2:40 - How and Why does the Blood type diet work?
4:47 - Blood Type A Diet
6:30 - Why Blood Type A's can't digest meat as well
8:00 - Blood Type A and Dairy
9:10 - What type of fruits for Blood Type A?
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Hi everyone, this is The Dr. Lam Show and we're here to empower you to take control of your health. Today we're going to talk about how different foods can actually impact different blood types. And our goal is to help you eat in a way that actually nourishes you makes you feel good, and is right for your body. Today's specifically will be about blood type diet A. I'm Dr. Carrie Lam. My background is in family medicine, anti aging and regenerative medicine. I like to focus on functional and integrative medicine, combining ideas and strategies from Lifestyle Medicine, anti aging, and nutrition to create better health and well being.
Dr. Jeremy Lam, MD:I'm Dr. Jeremy La. I'm a board certified doctor in internal medicine as well as anti aging and regenerative medicine. My focus is on chronic disease and reversing that. My mission is to use both conventional as well as natural and integrative approaches to address and again, reverse chronic diseases. So today, we're going to be giving you some very general but good information on blood type diets and how they can be beneficial for you.
Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:Just to begin with, on what the blood type diet is, the author of Eat Right for Your Type, Dr. Peter D'Adamo. He suggests that there's actually a chemical reaction that occurs between your blood and the foods that you eat. This reaction is caused by lectins, which are a diverse type of protein found in foods. These have agglutinating, which is like sticking properties that have an effect on your blood. So agglutinating means that it makes your blood a little more sticky compared to not sticky. When eating foods that contain protein lectins that can conflict with your blood type. The lectins will target an organ or body system and begin to agglutinate blood cells in that area. So the architecture of this blood type diet is to target these specific factors. Fortunately, most lectins found in the diet are not life threatening, but they cause a variety of other problems depending on your blood type. Your immune system is there to protect you from these lectin and agglutination. The 95% of lectins you absorb from your typical diet are actually just left off by the body, but at least 5% of the lectins you eat are filtered into the bloodstream and can affect different organs. So Dr. Jeremy tell us these blood type categories, and how it affects our rhythm?
Dr. Jeremy Lam, MD:Your blood type is a restoration of your natural genetic rhythm. So your blood type diet works because you're able to follow a clear, logical and scientifically researched plan based on your cellular profile ie. what your cells look like. So each food groups are divided into three categories, highly beneficial and act like medicine. The second one is foods that are allowed, so foods that are no harm to the blood type. And then lastly is food not allowed, which acts like poison. And so if your neuro endo metabolic stress response or your any stress response is facing some dysregulation, perhaps due to adrenal fatigue or due to detoxification pathway issues, then your liver and your extracellular matrix may get clogged up from these accumulations of toxins because you're eating the wrong types of food. And then this directly affects your metabolism as well. It also compromises your immune system, your kidney function, your lymphatics, as well as your energy or your ATP production. And this can lead to even more tiredness, hypersensitivity, paradoxical reactions. So, following a blood type diet is one way to prevent and also decrease in the toxic overload and burden that carries your body.
Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:So, it's important to also understand that the blood type diet is not necessarily for everybody. You should see a practitioner for advice on this diet as it should not be generalized or say that I'm going to follow a blood type diet and feel better, right? It's a specific diet that is only recommended by a doctor who understands your body. So, we are going to start with blood type A. And so, you will understand what type of diet will be suitable for people with blood type A. So, Dr. Jeremy, give us a general overview of blood type A.
Dr. Jeremy Lam, MD:Well, broadly speaking individuals with blood type A flourish from vegetarian diets. Type A's are actually predisposed to heart disease, cancer and diabetes. So it's really important for sensitive Type A's to get their food in a natural state. More fresh, organic, whole foods. And when you get on Type A diet, you will naturally become thinner. Dr. Carrie, what do they do if they are accustomed to eating meat?
Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:If a blood Type A person eats a lot of meat, they'll probably lose weight rather rapidly in the beginning. Eliminating some of those toxic elements of meat from your diet can greatly help the detox process in your body. So when you follow the type A diet, you can supercharge your immune system and potentially put brakes on diseases like cancer, heart conditions, and diabetes, and reduce that burden of the neuro endo metabolic stress response. So when Type A's eat meat, why do they feel more sluggish? Dr. Jeremy?
Dr. Jeremy Lam, MD:They possibly have low stomach acid content, finding it hard to digest meat. You know, a lot of people say, Hey, I had this piece of steak and my stomach hurt after and I really can't digest meat. This could be pointing to that you might benefit from a blood type A diet. The slow and the incomplete digestion, then increases the toxic load, and your gut microorganisms are starting to grow and could lead to possible intestinal overgrowth or leaky gut. So reducing or eliminating meat from the diet could prevent this increase toxic load, that affects the detoxification process, which is an important circuit in your NEM stress response.
Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:Right and since Type A's might not do well, on animal protein, it's important to get their proteins from nuts and seeds which are plant based. They also thrive on beans and legumes, except those that are mentioned in the avoid list. And these beans can cause a decrease in insulin production, create an imbalance in your body's metabolic processes that generate stress, and can also cause obesity and diabetes if they don't eat. Tofu is a good staple and type A diet so that's another form of protein that you can get on a type A diet. What are other type of food that Type A's have a hard time digesting?
Dr. Jeremy Lam, MD:Some people are going to be sad by this but dairy is often difficult to digest by Type A's slowing down the metabolism. They can tolerate small amounts of fermented dairy products like yogurt, kefir, non-fat sour cream and some cultured dairy products. The fermentation process breaks down and digest proteins and nutrients. And so that's why the fermentation process causes less stress on the body. Vegetables are also very vital to the type A diet. It provides minerals, enzymes and antioxidants as well. Some of the things that type A diets are very sensitive to are lectins, potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, cabbage, tomatoes and peppers as they aggravate the delicate lining of the stomach as well. Should type A diet people eat fruits Dr. Carrie?
Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:They should eat more foods that are alkaline so not like mangoes, papaya oranges, because they are acidic. Eat less acidic types of fruits to not cause extra stress to your digestive tract and in your stress response. So if you are a blood type A and you resonate with not really digesting meat very well then you might consider following a blood type A diet to see how it works for your body and switch out your proteins and iron rich foods. And if you're uncertain on how to do this effectively, you can contact us. Call us at 714-709-8000 for a free initial phone call with a member of our team and we will be able to go through this with you in more detail. We hope you've enjoyed this episode. Stay tuned for our next episode where we'll talk about the next blood types B, O and AB. This is first part of this two part series on The Dr. Lam Show. We hope that you have enjoyed this like and subscribe and share it. We're here to empower you to take control of your health.
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